A tabletop roleplaying game of dark forests, doomed treasure-hunters, and a world woven on a loom of rumor, history, and myth.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Last chance to back The Between RPG!
4 months ago
– Thu, Oct 31, 2024 at 01:53:13 PM
Hello, Trophy backers!
We have just a few hours remaining in our BackerKit crowdfunding campaign for The Between RPG! The Between is a game about monster-hunters in Victorian-era London. it's inspired by the TV show Penny Dreadful, as well as British horror classics and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Its mechanics are based on our game Brindlewood Bay.
If you appreciate the quality and care that went into Trophy, we know you're going to love The Between. We're desperately trying to unlock one or two more stretch goals before the campaign ends, so we hope you'll give the campaign a look!
Cards on the boat
11 months ago
– Mon, Apr 22, 2024 at 07:12:32 AM
Hey everyone!
This is just a quick status update. The cards are all packed up and got put on a ship last week.
Here are all the boxes of cards in transit to the ship.
Shipping time to our warehouse is about 30 days, assuming there are no issues during importing (which does sometimes happen). Once they arrive, dice and tokens will be added, and then mailed out to you.
We’ll send out another update when they arrive at our warehouse so you have a better sense of final arrival time.
Thanks for your patience, everyone!
- The Trophy Team
We have cards and production is happening!
about 1 year ago
– Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 03:28:06 PM
Hey everyone!
Thanks so much for your patience over the last few months and we work to get everything just right on these cards. We’ve got our final samples in hand now and they look amazing!
Beautiful soft-touch matte finish, crisp black cores and edges, and tons of illustrations by Anna Zee, Brian Sago, and Jesse himself.
So what happens next?
We’re slotted for the production queue on February 20th, and everything should arrive at our warehouse in April (assuming no issues with shipping or customs). From there, we’ll get everything packed up and shipped out to you.
International backers, we know you’ve been waiting for accessories. After crunching the numbers and examining the logistics with our international agent, we'll have to wait to ship all accessories at once (once the cards are done), even if you only ordered dice and tokens. We know that will be disappointing to some, but we're almost there. The international shipping situation is complicated and expensive, and we thank you for your patience as we get it all figured out.
Thanks again for hanging in there with us and for supporting Trophy!
- The Trophy Team
Cards are almost here, plus ENNIE nominations!
over 1 year ago
– Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 03:42:27 PM
Hey everyone!
Thanks so much for incredible patience as we’ve been working to get the last few components produced and shipped. To sweeten the wait, we decided to produce a beautiful shelf-ready storage box for storing your cards, dice, and tokens, and we have it in hand... so let’s take a look!
Character Creation Cards Storage Box
The box itself was designed to match the height and depth of the slipcase, allowing them to sit nicely side-by-side on your shelf:
On the front, the classic Trophy logo, and on the back, a description of the box contents and images of a few cards, printed to actual size along the top:
The box is held closed with a strong magnet. And inside, the sturdy foam holder (which is white here, but will be black in its final form) is sized just so to allow for easy removal of the five card boxes (here just empty sample boxes, but each deck will come contained in a themed tuck box for ease of use).
Inside the box, the cover has the steps for character creation:
Along the top of the foam holder, we cut out a wide notch for storing plenty of dice and tokens (it’s also wide and deep enough to store a pencil or two). And oh, what is this? A secret map of the Kalduhr!
The box itself feels really nice: solid construction, nice velvety finish, excellent legibility. We think you’re going to love it!
What about the cards?
Print samples of the first batch of cards should be arriving to Jesse in two weeks, with the second batch coming two weeks after that. At that point, assuming all looks good, printing and shipping will start. We know it’s been a long wait, but we hope you’ll agree that these were worth the wait!
For those of you still waiting on dice and tokens (largely non-US backers), we have’t forgotten about you! Those will be shipping alongside the cards.
ENNIE Nominations
In another bit of good news, Trophy has been nominated for 3 ENNIES:
Best Game
Best Rules
Product of the Year
We’ve heard from a lot of you that you’ve really been enjoying the games of Trophy Dark and Trophy Gold that you’ve been running, and we’d love if you would rank us #1 in all three categories to help get the word out about Trophy.
The Gauntlet is also up for Fan Award for Best Publisher, and fellow Gauntlet game Brindlewood Bay is up for Best Electronic Book. Please vote for all your favs!
Trophy on Role!
about 2 years ago
– Thu, Mar 02, 2023 at 07:58:13 PM
Hi everyone!
We hope you've been enjoying the beautiful Trophy books. A few people's books have gotten lost in the mail, and we're getting those sorted out with the warehouse, but all in all, shipping the books went very smoothly.
A quick update on tokens and dice: we ran into a few logistical issues that have slowed things down a bit on that front, but we've just about got those issues ironed out, so they should be shipping very soon. Cards are still set to leave the manufacturer in April.
And now for something completely new...
Trophy on Role!
We have partnered with the team at Role to create virtual table tops for both Trophy Dark and Trophy Gold (Trophy Loom is also incorporated). Role specializes in online play spaces for games that are very narrative forward, so they are a good fit for Trophy. The extra good news: if you backed or preordered at the digital or higher level, you have full access to all the Trophy materials on Role, no extra charge. You will be receiving an email from Role, so be on the lookout for that. If you can't find your email by next week, just send us a message on Kickstarter and we'll help get it sorted out.
Here's a screenshot of what the Role rooms for Trophy look like: