A tabletop roleplaying game of dark forests, doomed treasure-hunters, and a world woven on a loom of rumor, history, and myth.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Dark Incursions, Trophaeum, Resources, and more!
over 4 years ago
– Thu, Jul 09, 2020 at 01:14:55 PM
This post is for backers only. Please visit Kickstarter.com and log in to read.
April 2020 Updates: New Trophy podcast, dice & token pics, Spanish-language translation, and more!
over 4 years ago
– Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 04:52:31 PM
We have a ton of information for you this month, so let's dive right in...
We're expanding The Trophy Podcast
Last year, we released a special podcast series featuring an actual play of The Flocculent Cathedral. We also released two special discussion episodes in that feed. For many of you, this podcast feed was your introduction to Trophy.
We're delighted to announce that The Trophy Podcast is getting expanded in a major way. There are currently 3 new series in production for this podcast feed. Here's an overview of each of them.
How to Run Trophy Gold
In this limited series, publisher Jason Cordova breaks down the key concepts and ideas behind Trophy Gold, and gives you the basics for how to run the game. The first two episodes in this series, "Anatomy of an Incursion" and "Set Goals and Hunt Rolls" are available in the feed rightnow. The third episode, "Combat and Risk" will be out a little later this week.
Hester's Mill
This is the official Trophy Gold actual play series. In this one, Jason Cordova, Gabriel Robinson, Bethany Harvey, and Raji Purcell will be playing through the Hester's Mill incursion, which was released to backers last month. If you want to see how a really excellent game of Trophy Gold goes, give this a listen. The first two episodes will be out the first week of May.
The Sixth Ring
This is a new discussion series that will be in The Trophy Podcast feed. Inspired by the old Discern Realities podcast for Dungeon World, The Sixth Ring will have the following segments each episode: Setting Out (a quick recap of a game of Dark or Gold recently played); Clawing for Gold (spotlight a piece of 3rd party content for Trophy); Into the Forest Dark (gameplay and theory discussion through the lens of Trophy); Woven on the Loom (original content from the hosts you can use in your games); and Desperate & Doomed (short, ongoing actual play segment). The hosts of the show are Judd Karlman and Jason Cordova.
Ever since the campaign ended in February, we have been setting up our Basecamp working groups and inviting the many Trophy contributors to use those spaces to collaborate and write. The Dark, Gold, and Roots of Old Kalduhr groups have been up and running since late February. The Loom group has been up and running since late March.
Work on the text of the books is progressing nicely and we fully expect to have the final PDFs ready by late Fall/early Winter.
Dice and Tokens
The dark dice are complete and fully manufactured. After several attempts, we have light dice that we're happy with. The gold dice are also looking really good. The Hunt Roll token samples are gorgeous and those will be entering production soon. Below are pics and videos (be sure to zoom in on the light dice to see the bone-like detail).
We'll be opening up Backerkit fairly soon. This is where backers can make their final selections and pay for shipping, and non-backers can pre-order items. We're hoping to have Backerkit launched by some time in May.
Spanish-language edition
We're ending with a very exciting announcement: The Hills Press, a famed publisher and translator of indie TTRPGs, will be publishing Trophy Dark, Trophy Gold, and Trophy Loom in Spanish! Check out their creepy trailer below:
What it's like to be a GM in Trophy. Plus: many updates!
almost 5 years ago
– Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 08:09:13 AM
Hello! We have a number of updates for you today, so let's get going!
Sunken and Oligarchy are now on Kickstarter
Two more Trophy-related Zinequest projects have gone live: Sunken and Oligarchy.
Sunken is a game of nautical horror, Rooted in Trophy. It features some truly stunning etched line art. Click on the image below to check it out!
Oligarchy is a game of political folly, Rooted in Trophy. You play as rotten bastards: corrupt politicians, decadent aristocrats, and other greedy elites. You are each determined to maximize your own wealth and comfort while your actions tear society apart around you. Eventually, society will tolerate your abuses no more.
Stretch Goal Updates
You have unlocked two more stretch goals: Virtual tabletop tools and The Rime Palace. That brings our total number of stretch goals unlocked to SIXTEEN (!!!)
Up next is Cry Wolf, a single-session Trophy Gold incursion designed to teach the game to new players.
Jason recently shared some thoughts on Twitter about what it's like to GM Trophy Dark and Trophy Gold. It's a fairly in-depth thread, with lots of great, practical insight. Check it out here.
As always, thanks so much for continuing to spread the word! Less than 12 days to go!
BONUS stretch goal: Expanded Physical Books!
almost 5 years ago
– Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 03:47:12 PM
Wow! You have already unlocked Roots of Old Kalduhr: The Trophy Gold Megadungeon! So... what are we going to do with these last 70 hours? How about this:
BONUS stretch goal: Expanded Physical Books
If we can hit $185K USD, we will add ALL of the Digital Stretch Goal incursions to the physical books—including Roots of Old Kalduhr! So, instead of the original 20 incursions that were planned to be included in the physical product, all 35 incursions will be there. We will also add more locations and tables to Trophy Loom.
But here's the thing: $185K USD is going to be tough. We will need all your help in these final hours to make this happen. If you've been thinking about upgrading to a physical tier, or going in for Archivist or Treasure-Hunter, perhaps the promise of significantly expanded books will be enough to tip you over the edge. If you have access to TTRPG communities or forums, please spread the word about this campaign (we particularly need help on Reddit, RPG.net and Something Awful). If you have a gaming blog, an emergency blog post would be very welcome indeed. If you know someone with a lot of reach on social media, maybe ask them nicely for a re-share. This is an all-hands-on-deck kind of thing, and with your help, we believe we can do it!
Social Goals Update
We have some good news to report on the social goals front! The Twitter social goal has been met, and so we are getting the Expanded Monstrosities Tables. We are very, very close on the Doomed Treasure-Hunters. We currently have 94 out of 100 needed to unlock Weapon Generation Tables.
We continue to be a little vexed by the Facebook goal but we're getting there. We currently have 175 of 350 shares needed.
You folks have been amazing throughout this campaign. Your passion for the project is inspiring, and is giving us the energy we need to keep going.
We're almost at the finish line—just a little more to go.
-Jesse and the Trophy team
From the bottom of our pitch-black hearts... THANK YOU
about 5 years ago
– Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 07:04:15 AM
2,543 backers.
$210, 141 raised.
19 stretch goals unlocked.
3 social goals unlocked.
We did it! Thank you all so much for your support during this campaign. We'll be in touch tomorrow with some fun stuff for you, but for now, let's celebrate with a song...